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Amy Heerema-McKenney, MD is Staff Pathologist, Cleveland Clinic Institute of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. She is a co-author of Diagnostic Pathology: Placenta, 2nd Edition. Dr. Hereema-McKenney received her MD from Harvard Medical School. MORE

Dr. Hemmings is an award-winning researcher within the field of anesthesiology as well as author of Pharmacology and Physiology for Anesthesia. He is currently Vice Chairman of Research in Anesthesiology at Cornell University.
Dr. Herkowitz is an editor of the text, Rothman Simeone The Spine as well as a prolific author. He is currently a Director of the Section of Spine Surgery at William Beaumont Hospital in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery.
Dr. Herndon is an award-winning plastic surgeon specializing in burn care. He is chief of staff and director of research at the Shriners Burns Hospital in Galveston as well as author of the text, Total Burn Care.
Dr. Herring received his MD from Baylor University College of Medicine and is currently an orthopaedics professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center as well as co-author of Tachdijan’s Pediatric Orthopaedics.