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Authors > Irene Tracey, DPhil

Irene Tracey, DPhil is Director of Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain (FMRIB) Centre; Nuffield Professor of Anaesthetic Science; and Head of the Nuffield Division of Anaesthetics at the University of Oxford, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK. She is a co-author of the highly regarded Wall & Melzack’s Textbook of Pain, 6th Edition.

After earning a DPhil at the University of Oxford and a serving in a postdoctoral position at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Tracey returned to Oxford to co-found the FMRIB Centre. She became Director and Professor of Pain Research, and was appointed to the Nuffield Professorship.

Dr. Tracey is a leading expert on using neuroimaging to study pain processing in the human brain. Over the past 10 years, her multidisciplinary team of scientists and clinicians has contributed significantly to a better understanding of nociceptive processing in the human central nervous system in the non-injured and injured state, as well as modulation of pain perception via pharmacological and psychological interventions. Dr. Tracey and her team are considered one of the premier pain imaging groups worldwide.

Dr. Tracey has given many invited talks and plenary presentations at several international pain meetings and has received several awards and prizes (Gibb’s Prize for joint highest First Class, American Academy Neurology International Foreign Scholar). Dr. Tracey is a member of several advisory boards for, and consultant to, the pharmaceutical industry.

Related Authors: Martin Koltzenburg, MD FRCP; Dennis C. Turk, PhD