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News & Articles > 4 Star Review for Handbook of Liver Disease, 4th Edition

Handbook of Liver Disease, 4th Edition

By Lawrence S. Friedman, MD

ISBN: 978-0-323-47874-8

Pub Date: 02 Nov 2016


Reviewed by: Henrique Jose Fernandez, MD, FACP (Parkview Medical Center)



This is a needed update to a very complete book on hepatology written by leading experts in the field. This edition includes access to an ebook version. The previous edition was published in 2012.



The purpose is to provide a valuable resource for all levels of medical providers who care for patients who have liver disease. The print and online formats complement each other.



The authors intend the book for all healthcare providers who take care of patients with liver disease. Every provider who sees patients with liver disease should have it, but medical students, residents, fellows, nurses, and physician assistants will benefit from it as well.



Despite its size, the book is very complete in its coverage of different pathologies and the most important topics. Each chapter begins with a key points table that helps readers understand and retain the information discussed in the chapter. The topics range from how to assess liver function, cirrhosis, and imaging studies to more difficult to understand topics as hepatorenal syndrome, the liver in pregnancy, hepatobiliary complications of HIV, etc.



This is an excellent resource for all healthcare providers who take care of liver patients. It is small in size but comprehensive in coverage. It is a worthwhile acquisition, and the updated edition is well justified.


Doody’s Review Service Weighted Numerical Score: 95 – 4 Stars!

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