Hunter’s Tropical Medicine and Emerging Infectious Diseases, 10th Edition
By Edward T Ryan, David R Hill, MD DTM&H FRCP FFTM FASTM, Tom Solomon, Timothy P Endy and Naomi Aronson
ISBN: 9780323555128
Pub Date: 15 Apr 2019
Reviewed by: Dimitri Drekonja, MD, MS (Minneapolis VA Medical Center)
I am hard-pressed to find a disease that has been omitted from this comprehensive book on tropical medicine and emerging infectious diseases.Chapters on envenomation and arthropod bites supplement the chapters on the various infectious diseases of interest. The table of contents is grouped logically and immediately begins to help organize a reader’s thinking in terms of applicable syndromes.The purpose is to provide a complete reference for evaluating a patient in (or returning from) a tropical setting. It gives clinicians the information to provide outstanding pre-travel counseling, and to evaluate nearly any complaint in a returning traveler. It would be an important and worthwhile resource for any clinic serving a population that travels internationally and would be vital to a clinic with a large immigrant or refugee population.
The purpose is to provide a complete reference for evaluating a patient in (or returning from) a tropical setting. It gives clinicians the information to provide outstanding pre-travel counseling, and to evaluate nearly any complaint in a returning traveler. It would be an important and worthwhile resource for any clinic serving a population that travels internationally and would be vital to a clinic with a large immigrant or refugee population.
Clinicians caring for refugees or immigrant patients, or working in travel clinics, are the most logical target audiences. Additionally, this book would be a good resource for any hospital in a metropolitan area where international travelers are encountered (which is nearly everywhere).
The book is truly exhaustive, and the syndrome-based listing of the table of contents makes it easy to find relevant chapters (for instance, a chapter on tropical dermatology is quite useful). Chapters on oral care/dentistry are interesting and provide a level of depth often missing in books; too often dental care is viewed as separate from healthcare, so this is a welcome addition. Sections on important drug information at the end of the book are succinct and useful.
For clinicians with any exposure to patients with a history of international travel, this book is relevant. For those who commonly see these patients, it is essential. Comparing coverage of conditions in this book to coverage in Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett’s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 8th edition, Bennett et al. (Elsevier, 2015), this book goes into a much greater level of detail.
Doody’s Review Service Weighted Numerical Score: 90-4 Stars!
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