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Dr. Iacobuzio-Donahue earned her MD & PhD in Pathology from Boston University School of Medicine and is currently a professor at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore. She is also an author of Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology.
Dr. Iannotti received his MD from Northwestern University and is currently an orthopaedic surgery professor at the Cleveland Clinic. He is author of Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations-Musculoskeletal System, 2nd Edition.

Claudine Isaacs, MD is Associate Professor of Medicine and Oncology at Lombardi Cancer Center, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC. She is a co-author of . MORE

Dr. Iskandrian is Professor of Medicine and Radiology and the Director of the Nuclear Cardiology Program at the University of Alabama-Birmingham as well as the author of the Atlas of Nuclear Cardiology.
She completed her internship, residency and fellowship at Mount Sinai Hospital and is currently chief of the Division of Geriatric & Palliative Medicine at Monmouth Medical Center. She is co-author of Medicine: A Competency-Based Companion.