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This sixth edition of a renowned introduction to the basic principles and concepts of epidemiology has been updated, revised, and expanded. This book is ideal for students requiring grounding in the principles and practice of epidemiology, but is equally a fantastic reference for professionals involved in the teaching of epidemiology in various settings and for those needing to confirm their understanding of essential information. MORE

This book is highly recommended for anyone interested in the retina and retinal diseases. It is the premier book on the retina and is authored by leaders in the field. It is simply outstanding. MORE

This book follows the concept of highlighting controversies and future directions more than most of the others in this series. All of the chapters are relatively succinct and easy to read, and concentrate on the bedside issues clinicians face on a daily basis. MORE

This atlas is a comprehensive overview of image-guided interventional spine procedures. Each section provides a stepwise approach for the setup, positioning, and optimal performance of these procedures. MORE