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News & Articles > 4 Star Review of Feigin and Cherry’s Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases – 2 Volume Set, 8th Edition

Feigin and Cherry’s Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases – 2 Volume Set, 8th Edition

By James Cherry, MD, MSc, Gail J. Demmler-Harrison, MD, Sheldon L. Kaplan, MD, William J. Steinbach, MD and Peter J Hotez, MD, PhD

ISBN: 9780323376921

Pub Date: 14 Feb 2018


Reviewed by: Shirley F Delair, MD, MPH(Children’s Hospital & Medical Center)



This comprehensive reference of pediatric infectious diseases covers topics that comprise the spectrum of illnesses in children from the common or neglected diseases to the emerging ones. Additional important chapters cover vaccines, diagnostic methods, and infectious diseases, as well as special circumstances such as infections in the immunocompromised host or hospital-acquired infections. An annotated bibliography with the latest references is listed at the end of each chapter, with the full bibliography available online.



This purpose is to provide a reference of the latest evidence-based facts on pediatric infectious diseases.



The content and approach to the material are ideal for infectious disease specialists, clinicians or scientists, trainees or experts, to review common and challenging infections. The authors are leading infectious disease experts with experience that ranges from being clinicians to physician scientists or basic scientists.



Each chapter is structured with a brief introduction, an overview of the etiologic agent, an epidemiologic review, detailed pathogenesis, comprehensive clinical features, evidence-based diagnostic evaluation, and treatment. This format enables readers to easily peruse the print or online version. All tables, illustrations, and color pictures are easy to view. Chapters on vaccine research, immunocompromised hosts, travel medicine, and neglected tropical diseases complete the comprehensiveness of this reference.



This edition remains a must-have comprehensive reference for physicians and scientists who tackle emerging and neglected infectious diseases as well as more common and challenging ones. It is an essential tool for infectious disease trainees in clinical and research settings, with the latest epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Postdoctoral fellows in microbiology may appreciate the clinical correlation to their research. The large print version is not practical for carrying around, but the online version is accessible on portable devices and desktops, making the latest information immediately available.


Doody’s Review Service Weighted Numerical Score: 92 – 4 Stars!

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