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News & Articles > April is Stress Awareness Month

For most doctors and educators, stress is just a fact of life. But stress can often get out of hand and take its toll on the body, causing mental, physical and emotional health problems. In honor of April’s Stress Awareness Month, we’re giving you some tips on how to be stress free!

Gimme a Break

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans spend most of their time working. So naturally, work is one of the leading causes of extreme stress. So what can you do? Take a Break! When lunch time rolls around, actually get away from your work and take some time to relax. And good news; taking breaks actually increases productivity, according to a study published in the Elsevier journal, Cognition.

Have a Laugh

Yes, watching funny YouTube videos may actually be good for you – and The Mayo Clinic agrees! They say laughter “cools down your stress response and increases your heart rate and blood pressure” resulting in a calm, relaxed feeling. Laughing even has some long term benefits, such as improved immune system and pain relief! And while you’re at it, learn more about your fellow authors and doctors and find out what they’re up to by visiting our YouTube Channel!

Go Outside

It’s no wonder being outdoors has a positive effect on stress – the sun is shining, birds are chirping and the air is fresh. A study published in Elsevier’s Urban Forestry & Urban Greening found that people who spent time outside felt relief from stress and headaches, and the positive effects increased as the time spent outside increased.

This April, we hope you take some time to de-stress and become a happy, healthier you! Let us know how you combat stress and check out Elsevier Author, Susan E. Mulroney, PhD, to find out about her research in stress relief!

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