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“Cardiology is one of the specialties where you feel like you’re saving peoples’ lives almost on a daily basis.” – Edward A. Gill, MD

What Makes the Atlas of 3D Echocardiography Unique

There are several things that make the Atlas of 3D Echocardiography unique. It’s case-oriented, so the clinician will find it useful for managing day-to-day cases. It’s also one of the largest books that’s ever been done on three-dimensional echo. It emphasizes three-dimensional trans-esophageal echo, a new technology that has only been available since 2007.  I think our lab has more experience using three-dimensional trans-esophageal echo than many other labs across the country and possibly the world. Every case that we do with trans-esophageal echo includes three-dimensional echo. We’ve literally done thousands of cases. I personally have done hundreds of cases myself. I think there are not many people who have the kind of experience that we’ve had with three-dimensional trans-esophageal echo.

Dr. Gill’s Path to Cardiology

I’ve always been interested in the technology and prevention aspects of cardiovascular diseases. In terms of life-changing events that drew me to this field, my father had coronary bypass grafting when I was 18 years old and survived. Also, cardiology is one of the specialties where you feel like you’re saving peoples’ lives almost on a daily basis. Seeing people shocked out of life-threatening arrhythmias has always been particularly intriguing to me. Echocardiography is really a big reason why I went into cardiology.  I’m especially interested in the different technologies that support cardiovascular medicine.

About the Atlas of 3D Echocardiography

The Atlas of 3D Echocardiography is really for cardiologists in clinical practice who want to learn about the clinical utility of three-dimensional echo. The book covers how to use three-dimensional echo on a daily basis and how it can be used from the standpoint of the medical literature. There is a lot of emphasis on how to integrate three-dimensional echoes into a clinical practice, including how to do them efficiently and how they impact the workflow of the echo lab. The average cardiologist will be wowed by all of the illustrations that we use, which are largely echocardiography images that we’ve taken from our echo lab in Seattle. We have very unusual cases because of the population of patients that we serve. We generally see an underserved group, so we have a lot of disease states that you wouldn’t see in a general hospital.


Edward A. Gill, MD is a professor of medicine in the Division of Cardiology at the University of Washington’s Department of Medicine, and an adjunct associate professor within the Department of Radiology. He is also a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Diagnostic Ultrasound, at Seattle University in Washington.

Dr. Gill has particular interests in echocardiography, nuclear cardiology, and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. He serves on the editorial boards of the American Journal of RadiologyEchocardiography, and the Journal of Clinical Lipidology. He has published extensively in journals, authored chapters of cardiology textbooks, and co-authored several books. He is author of Atlas of 3D Echocardiography 

He is a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, the American Heart Association, the American College of Physicians, the American Society of Echocardiography, and also of the National Lipid Association. Dr. Gill is also a Diplomate of the American Board of Clinical Lipidology.