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Authors > Joseph Perloff, MD

Joseph Perloff, MD is the Streisand American Heart Association Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics and Director of the Ahmanson/UCLA Adult Congential Heart Disease Center at the UCLA School of Medicine. He is recognized as the founder of the medical subspecialty: congenital heart disease in adults. An acclaimed academic and educator, Dr. Perloff is author of more than 400 articles in leading journals, and sits on the editorial board of several publications. He is author of the text Perloff’s Clinical Recognition of Congenital Heart Disease, now in its sixth edition.

Dr. Perloff received his medical degree  from Louisiana State University, and went on to complete an internship and residency in medicine and pathology at the Mt. Sinai Hospital. After joining the faculty at UCLA, he led the charge to develop the Adult Congenital Heart Disease Center, which is the largest facility of its kind in the U.S. Dr. Perloff is the recipient of numerous honors including the Great Teacher Award of the American Heart Association, the National Physician of the Year Award and the Mellinkoff Award.