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Authors > Maarten W. Taal, MD

Maarten W. Taal, MD is a member of the Centre for Integrated Systems in Medicine and Biology at the University of Nottingham. His early medical research at the Laboratory of Kidney and Electrolyte Physiology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital focused on mechanisms underlying the progression of chronic kidney disease. Dr. Taal’s current research interests include chronic kidney disease progression, diabetic nephropathy, renal osteodystrophy, and cardiovascular disease in chronic kidney disease patients. He served as co-author of the Clinical Practice Guidelines for Chronic Kidney Disease on behalf of the Renal Association of the United Kingdom. He has acted as a section editor for Current Opinions in Nephrology and Hypertension since 2000, as well as an editor of the textbook Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney, 9th Edition.

Related Authors: Glenn M. Chertow, MD, MPH;  Barry M. Brenner, MD, AM(Hon), DSc(Hon), DMSc(Hon)