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News & Articles > Elsevier Author, Dr. Meir Kryger, Uncovers the Mystery of Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is a mysterious thing. What causes it? Are there triggers? Who’s at risk? Dr. Meir Kryger, expert in sleep disorders, is uncovering these answers and getting to the bottom of this frightening disorder.

In his Psychology Today blog, Sleep and be Well, Dr. Kryger discusses the unsettling symptoms, possible chemical triggers and the treatment for narcolepsy. He describes three different patients and their symptoms that bring him to his diagnosis. Dr. Kryger says, “Many doctors do not know enough about sleep disorders in general, and narcolepsy in particular… patients with narcolepsy were very likely to be treated for mental disorders.” Narcolepsy is still a puzzling disorder, but Dr. Kryger is putting the pieces together.

Meir H. Kryger, MD is a world renowned sleep medicine expert with extensive experience in all areas of sleep and breathing disorders. He is a professor and physician at the Yale School of Medicine as well as recipient of numerous awards within the field. Dr. Kryger is an editor of several Elsevier textbooks, including Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine, Kryger’s Sleep Medicine Review, and Atlas of Clinical Sleep Medicine. To learn more about sleep medicine and how Dr. Kryger began his medical journey, visit Dr. Meir Kryger’s Elsevier Authors Bio page.

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