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Dr. Aminoff: It has been updated to include recent advances in molecular medicine, especially in genetics, immunology, and pharmacology, and the therapeutic benefits to which they have led. Compared to the first edition, technological advances in imaging have allowed us to incorporate CT and MR images to complement the anatomic pictures that are an important feature of the volumes. MORE


The method was/is to simulate for readers an infectious diseases expert at their side.  Sections of the book were set up to reflect how we sort through problems: first by organ-based clinical syndromes that lead to construction and honing of a differential diagnosis; then by a compendium of potential bacterial, viral, fungal and protozoal pathogens, their epidemiology, clinical propensities, diagnostic tests, optimal management and prevention. Other sections were set up to serve as primers as well as blueprints for policy to control and prevent infectious diseases in the community and in the healthcare setting, to use laboratory tests to support clinical thinking, and antimicrobial agents for their greatest benefit. MORE

Dr. Mandell was one of the founders of this landmark textbook in the mid-1970s, alongside R. Gordon Douglas Jr. and John Bennett. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive resource in a nascent specialty, Dr. Mandell collaborated closely with Douglas and Bennett, initiating intense discussions and meetings—some held in airport lounges—that fostered a strong collegial bond. MORE

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Dr. Ronald D. Miller on February 27, 2025. A luminary in the field of anesthesiology, Dr. Miller’s contributions to anesthesia education and practice have left an indelible mark on the profession. Across Elsevier, Dr. Miller is best known for his seminal work, Miller’s Anesthesia, the definitiveMORE
Paul S. Auerbach, Editor of Wilderness Medicine, Author of The Field Guide to Wilderness Medicine, and Medicine for the Outdoors, and pioneer in the field of Wilderness Medicine passed away on June 23rd at the age of 70. Dr. Auerbach is known as a leading figure in the field of wilderness medicine and a drivingMORE
Gabriela Repetto is one of dozens of authors whose work Elsevier is making freely available for 60 days, beginning on Rare Disease Day (#RareDiseaseDay) February 28, 2021. Content includes Clinics review articles, book chapters, and articles in the Cell Press Trends portfolio, all intended to support researchers and clinicians in identifying the molecular basis ofMORE