We created 14 new chapters just for this edition. Readers will learn new content on the blocks for the upper airway, dental blocks, blocks for spine surgery, and much more. Additionally, we created 32 new, original tutorial videos that explain the blocks step-by-step for physicians. MORE
Since the previous edition, the book has been significantly updated to incorporate the latest legislative, regulatory, and case law developments in the field of legal medicine. We’ve added new chapters, updated existing ones with the latest information, and included recent case studies to provide a more current perspective. MORE
Infant sleep is crucial for a child’s overall health and development, laying the foundation for their physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being. Adequate sleep supports brain development, memory consolidation, and learning processes, enabling infants to grow and thrive. However, there were no reference books dedicated solely to infants. We felt that infants deserved a comprehensive book including medical and behavioral topics. Addressing both medical and behavioral aspects of infant sleep ensures a comprehensive approach. MORE
The first edition was published in 2012, and so the second edition is completely updated to include new diagnostic criteria in the International Classification of Sleep Disorders, 3rd edition, text revision. It is also updated to include new sleep study scoring criteria consistent with the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Scoring Manual 3.0, and the most current AASM practice parameters and clinical practice guidelines are included. MORE