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News & Articles > Q&A with the authors of Emergency Medicine Board Review, 1st Edition

Interview with Amy Kaji & Ryan Pedigo

Why did you feel that it was important to write Emergency Medicine Board Review? What does it add to the field? 

Dr Kaji: I think a review book is a welcome addition to the library of EM books that combines easy, fast bullet points, combined with questions.  

Dr. Pedigo: Emergency Medicine Board Review is a way to get a thorough yet accessible review of the topics tested on the written emergency medicine board examination (either initial certification or recertification).

What is the most exciting aspect of your new publication? What chapter or topic covered in the new edition are you most excited about?

Dr Kaji: I am excited for it all, actually, to be published in its final form. Due to COVID, there were multiple issues and it feels great to complete it.  

Dr. Pedigo: Experts throughout the UCLA Health System all came together to make a comprehensive board review book. It was great to work with so many wonderful physicians to make this project possible.

Who will find the greatest value from this book and why?

Dr Kaji: Our hope is that it will help those recent graduates and residents who are facing the challenge of taking their certifying exam, as well as practicing emergency physicians who need to re-certify. My hope is that they can use our book to provide a quick review prior to testing, or help them better understand where their weaknesses are.

Dr. Pedigo: Anyone who is training in emergency medicine and wants a comprehensive review and/or is studying for a certification examination in emergency medicine will find this a valuable resource. This is meant to round out the knowledge of an emergency medicine physician and reinforce key concepts relevant to the practice of our specialty.

What problem do you hope the future generation of emergency medicine will be able to solve? 

Dr Kaji: Perhaps better pandemic preparedness and biosurveillance.  

Dr. Pedigo: Ensuring that emergency medicine is led by emergency physicians who put patients first always. 

Is there anything else about Emergency Medicine Board Review you’d like to say?

Dr Kaji: I hope our readers enjoy it and appreciate the collaborative effort put forth by the UCLA EM faculty.  

About the Authors

Amy Kaji, MD, PhD, FACEP, interim chair, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, professor of clinical emergency medicine at David Geffen School of Medicine. She is trained in emergency medicine (at Harbor) and also has a doctorate in epidemiology.

Ryan Pedigo, MD, MHPE, associate residency program director at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and an assistant professor of emergency medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. He attended medical school at UCLA and was a resident and chief resident at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. His main interest is medical education.

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