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Authors > Aylin Tekes-Brady, MD

Aylin Tekes-Brady, MD is Associate Professor of Radiology and Radiological Science and Pediatric Radiology, and Pediatric Neuroradiology Fellowship Director, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. She is a co-author of Pediatric Imaging: Case Review Series, 3rd Edition.


Dr. Tekes-Brady received her medical degree from Istanbul University and completed a residency in diagnostic radiology at Haydarpasa Research and Training Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey. She did clinical fellowships in Pediatric Radiology and Neuroradiology at The Johns Hopkins Hospital before joining the faculty in 2008.


Dr. Tekes-Brady’s primary expertise is in diagnostic pediatric neuroradiology, encompassing all ages from fetus to young adolescents with particular interest in congenital anomalies, neonatal brain injury, brain tumors, and seizure imaging. Topics in her publications include utilization and application of advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques including diffusion-tensor (DTI), susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) as applied in hypoxic ischemic injury, brain injury in the premature brain, and head trauma and ECMO.


In addition to pediatric neuroimaging, Dr. Tekes-Brady is an expert in diagnosis and classification of soft tissue vascular anomalies and imaging of bladder exstrophy. Part of her research and daily activities involve QI processes, primarily targeted to reduce or eliminate radiation exposure in children when appropriate and improve workflow efficiency.

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