Stephen A. Morse, MD, PhD, MSPH is Associate Director for Environmental Microbiology at the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Morse’s previous post at the CDC was Associate Director for Science. He is the co-author of the Atlas of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS, 4th Edition.
Before he joined the CDC, Dr. Morse was a professor of microbiology and infectious diseases at the Harvard School of Public Health and at Oregon Health Sciences University. In 1984, the CDC recruited him to direct their sexually transmitted disease research program. He was subsequently named deputy director of the bioterrorism program. In 2008 he became Associate Director for Environmental Microbiology at the National Center for Preparedness, Detection and Control of Infectious Diseases at the CDC, a post which also encompassed bioterrorism issues.
Dr. Morse earned his MSPH and PhD degrees in microbiology and public health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is currently a member of the Public Health Foundation Board at the University of North Carolina’s Gillings School of Global Public Health. In 2000, he received the school’s Harriet Hylton Barr Distinguished Alumni Award, which recognizes the achievements of alumni and their outstanding contributions to public health.