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Thomas P. Naidich, MD, Radiology & Neuroradiology Author
Dr. Naidich gained his MD from New York University School of Medicine and is currently a radiology and neurosurgery professor at Mount Sinai Center, New York. He is co-author of Problem Solving in Neuroradiology.
Dr. O’Malley received her MD from the University of Illinois, Chicago, and is currently a professor and Director of Molecular Imaging and Therapeutics at the University of Alabama as well as co-author of Nuclear Medicine, 4th Edition.
Anne G. Osborn, MD, FACR is University Distinguished Professor of Radiology at the University of Utah School of Medicine. She holds the William H. and Patricia W. Child Presidential Endowed Chair in Radiology at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. Dr. Osborn is the co-author of Diagnostic Imaging: Brain, 3rd Edition, Imaging inMORE
Dr. Pellerito is a nationally and internationally known speaker within the field of radiology. He is author of of Introduction to Vascular Ultrasonography, 6th Edition and Chief of US, CT, and MRI Imaging at North Shore University Hospital.
Joseph Polak, MD, Radiology Author
Dr. Polak received his MD from McGill Medical School and is currently Chief of Radiology at Lemuel Shattuck Hospital as well as a professor at Tufts University School of Medicine. He is author of Introduction to Vascular Ultrasonography.