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Authors > Specialty > Cardiology
Dr. Hutchison is an author of numerous texts within the field of cardiology, including Principles of Cardiovascular Imaging. He is currently Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Calgary.
Dr. Issa received his MD from the University of Jordan School of Medicine, Amman and is currently a clinical assistant professor at the Southern Illinois University. He is co-author of Clinical Arrhythmology & Electrophysiology.
Allen Jeremias, MD is Director of Vascular Medicine and Peripheral Intervention at the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine of SUNY Stony Brook as well as the author of Cardiac Intensive Care, 2nd Edition.
Morton Kern, MD - Cardiology Author
Dr. Kern is author of the Cardiac Catheterization Handbook and is currently a professor & Cardiology Chief at the University of California, Irvine as well as Cardiology Chief at Long Beach Veterans Administration Hospital.

Spencer B. King, MD is Professor of Medicine Emeritus at Emory University School of Medicine. He is a co-author of JACC’s Imaging Cases in Cardiovascular Intervention. MORE