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Dr. Stein earned his MD from the University of Toronto where he is currently an assistant ophthalmology professor. He is also Medical Director of the Bochner Eye Institute and co-author of The Ophthalmic Assistant, 9th Edition.
Dr. Stern received his MD from New York University and is currently the first endowed professor of psychosomatic medicine at Harvard Medical School. He is author of Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of General Hospital Psychiatry.
Dr. Stevens earned his PhD from the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine and is currently a pharmacology professor at Oklahoma State University-Center for Health Sciences, Tulsa and co-author of the textbook Pharmacology, 4th Edition.

George Stouffer III, MD is Henry A. Foscue Distinguished Professor of Medicine; Ernest and Hazel Craige Distinguished Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine; Division Chief, Cardiology; Physician in Chief, Heart & Vascular Service Line; Fellowship Director, Cardiovascular Disease at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine. MORE

Dr. Strauss received his MD and PhD from the University of Pennsylvania and is currently Dean and OB/GYN professor at Virginia Commonwealth University Health System as well as co-author of Yen & Jaffe’s Reproductive Endocrinology.