Nancy Dickey, MD, practices family medicine in Bryan, Texas, co-authored Swanson's Family Medicine Review, 7th Edition, and was first woman elected president of the American Medical Association.
Dr. Dinulos completed his medical education at Eastern Virginia Medical School and is currently an assistant professor of medicine and pediatrics at Dartmouth Medical School as well as co-author of the Dermatology DDX Deck.
Matthew DiPaola, MD is an Orthopaedic Shoulder and Elbow Surgeon and a Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopaedics at the University at Buffalo’s Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. He is the author of .MORE
Dr. DiSaia holds an MD from Tufts University School of Medicine and is currently Medical Director of the Todd Cancer Institute as well as author of Clinical Gynecologic Oncology, 8th Edition.
Dr. Disler received his MD from Harvard Medical School and is currently a clinical radiology professor at Virginia Commonwealth University as well as co-author of the text, Musculoskeletal Imaging, 4th Edition.