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Dr. Goldblum is a professor of pathology at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine as well as author of numerous texts, including Surgical Pathology of the GI Tract, Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas, 2nd Edition.
Dr. Goldman earned his MD from Stanford University and is currently a volunteer professor of dermatology at the University of California, San Diego. He is a renowned researcher of dermatologic surgery and author of Sclerotherapy, 5th Edition.

Darin R. Goldman, MD is a Vitreoretinal Surgeon at Retina Group of Florida in Fort Lauderdale. He is a co-author of . MORE

Dr. Goldman received his MD from Yale University and currently a professor and holds many leadership positions at Columbia University. He is the lead editor of Goldman's Cecil Medicine, 24th Edition.
Dr. Goldstein earned his MD from Mount Sinai School of Medicine where he is currently a geriatrics and adult medicine professor. He is also an author of the textbook, Evidence-Based Practice of Palliative Medicine.