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Dr. Kumar earned his MD from Punjab University Medical College in Amritsar and is currently Chairman of the Pathology Department at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. He is author of Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease.
Donna Lager, MD, Renal Pathology Author
Dr. Lager is an author of numerous texts, including Practical Renal Pathology, A Diagnostic Approach. She is also a consultant and professor of anatomic pathology at the Mayo Clinic as well as an international lecturer.
Dr. Leslie is an author of the award-winning text, Practical Pulmonary Pathology: A Diagnostic Approach. He is currently a pathology professor at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Rochester, Minnesota.

Susan C. Lester, MD, PhD is Chief, Breast Pathology Services, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute; Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School, Boston. She is the author of . MORE

Matthew R. Lindberg, MD is an Assistant Professor of Pathology at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock, Arkansas, where he leads the Bone/Soft Tissue and Pulmonary Pathology subspecialty services and also heavily participates in Gastrointestinal Pathology. MORE