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David Khan, MD is Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas; Training Program Director for the Allergy & Immunology fellowship program at Southwestern; and Director of the Asthma Clinic at Parkland Memorial Hospital. MORE

Nancy M. Khardori, MD, PhD, FACP, FIDSA is Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases and Department of Microbiology/Immunology and Molecular Cell Biology at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia; Medical Director, Infection Prevention Service,  the Bon Secours DePaul Medical Center in Norfolk; and Director, Antibiotic Stewardship Program at the Bon Secours DePaul Medical Center. MORE

Dr. Khatri is a prominent researcher and general surgeon with a specialty in gastrointestinal cancer. He is currently co-chair of the Gastrointestinal Cancer Interdisciplinary Tumor Board and author of the Atlas of Advanced Operative Surgery.
Abraham Kierszenbaum, MD, is a cell biology and anatomy professor at the Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education. He also authored and illustrated Histology & Cell Biology: An Introduction to Pathology, 3rd Edition.

Grace Kim, MD, MS is Assistant Professor, Division of Endocrine, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, Washington. She is the author of Dr. Kim received her MD from Tufts University School of Medicine. MORE