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Dr. Tuggy earned his MD from Baylor College of Medicine, Houston and is currently a Clinical Professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine as well as author of the Atlas of Essential Procedures.
Amber Tully, MD - Internal Medicine Author
Dr. Tully received her MD from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia and is now an assistant professor at the Cleveland Clinic and co-author of USMLE Images for the Boards.
Allan Tunkel, MD - Internal Medicine Author
Dr. Tunkel earned his MD from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and is currently Chair of Internal Medicine at Monmouth Medical Center as well as co-author of Medicine: A Competency-Based Companion.
Paul Turek, MD, Reproductive Sciences & Urology Author
Dr. Turek is an active member of the American Urological Association and the American Society of Andrology as well as Director of The Turek Clinic and author of The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Reproductive System, 2nd Edition.
Dr. Turk is an Endowed Chair in anesthesiology & pain research and professor at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is co-author of Wall & Melzack's Textbook of Pain, 6th Edition.