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Richard Usatine, MD - an Elsevier Author
Dr. Usatine is the founder and medical director of the University Health System Skin Clinic in San Antonio as well as a professor of dermatology. He is the lead author of Dermatologic and Cosmetic Procedures in Office Practice.
Dr. Vaccaro received his MD from Georgetown University and is currently an oprthopaedics and neurosurgery professor and surgeon at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital as well as co-author of Surgical Anatomy and Techniques to the Spine.
Dr. Valji earned an MD from Harvard Medical School and is currently a radiology professor at the University of California San Diego as well as an author of The Practice of Interventional Radiology.
Allen Van Beek, MD is an award-winning plastic surgeon and adjunct professor of surgery at the University of Minnesota as well as video editor of Plastic Surgery: 6-Volume Set, 3rd Edition.
Dr. van Schoor is a co-author of McMinn and Abrahams’ Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy, 7th Edition as well as senior lecturer of anatomy at the University of Pretoria School of Medicine in Gauteng, South Africa.